There is a gradual withdrawal of the practices of traditional hair transplant surgeries. Persistent research and good results have led to the introduction of many innovative procedures that are being taught in various hair transplant training courses in India. FUT and FUE procedures are now quite popular forms that are being practised nowadays by balding people across the world and the results are quite satisfactory. With rapidly developing technology, more interesting and effective methods with better success rates are being adopted for hair transplant.
Here is a discussion on the latest advancements in hair transplant surgeries.
Follicular Unit Excision
This form of hair transplant is often taken to be a simple and straight forward procedure by laypersons. They consider the procedure involves collecting some healthy hairs from the donor area, and implanting them into the balding area of the scalp, and finishing it off with dressing. However, reality consists of many intricacies. It requires a skilled specialist surgeon to perform a successful hair transplant surgery that is painless and blemish-free.
In recent times, Follicular Unit Excision procedure is increasingly replacing the Follicular Unit Extraction method. The procedure is intricate and painstaking and requires a skilled surgeon to perform the surgery. The procedure involves careful excision and removal of separate hair follicles. No doubt, the surgeon performing the surgery needs to be patient and skilful to collect single strand of hair, instead of collecting in patches. Efforts are made to prevent linear scars, though in certain cases, tiny, dotted scars may remain in the treated area of the scalp.
Beard and Eyebrow Transplants
Although hair transplant of the head constitutes the lion’s share of the market for hair transplants, there is an increasing trend among people towards eyebrow and facial hair transplants. This has led to many hair transplant surgeons perfecting their surgical methods and offer their services in this sector to deliver natural results with least side effects. Now more and more people are going for the fuller beards and thicker eyebrows and are opting for a natural approach to have hairs on more places than only the scalp. Surgeons make use of the FUT or FUE procedure to replace patchy or thinning areas with real hairs harvested from the scalp. And after appropriate post-operation care, visible results can be expected in 3 to 6 months.
In cloning, some cells from the donor area are taken, which are then multiplied under control. For quite some time, researchers have been trying to clone hair in the laboratory. Biotech companies have pressed in money and energy into this cutting-edge technology of hair growth. Researchers are conducting experiments and clinical trials under controlled situations to improve the efficiency of the method. The researchers actually work in regenerating the required cells. In the FUE method, the researchers extract about 50 follicles from the donor area and isolate the cellular components from them. These cellular components are then replicated in the laboratory and multiplied up to 1500 cells. The newly developed cells are then injected in the donor area of the patient for their natural growth.
Although in its nascent stage, researchers are holding a lot of promise in cloning and regeneration. The focus of the research is to bring out superior techniques for the growth of hair. The surgeries performed is minimally invasive and does not require regular maintenance. In a not too distant future, a patient will be able to freeze their healthy cells in ice for later use if they go bald in their later life.
IICSAM is a leading centre offering hair transplant training courses in India. The vast experience and advanced equipment allow this hair transplant training institute to offer hands-on training in hair transplantation surgery.